
Recent Blogs

Signs of Spring

by Joyann Dwire

The arrival of the first robin. Crocuses bursting through the ground. The first daffodil. These are some of the signs of spring that bring relief to winter-weary people.

They are all exciting to see, but the one I love the most is the happy little daffodil.  For the past few years I have taken photos of my first daffodil bloom of the year and shared it online. (I can’t deny part of my motivation was to rub it in to my snow-bound friends and family in the north.)

Reflections on a Farmall C

by Joyann Dwire

There are people who remember every car they’ve ever owned. I’m not one of them. But I do remember my first vehicle. In fact, we still have it.

I know, the title of this article gives away the answer. And it wasn’t exactly mine. It was the family tractor, and it predates my birth.

Our Farmall C tractor is a late 40s, early 50s model. It’s had lots of repairs over the years, including some jerry-rigging, but she still runs, and I still love her. What do you think -- can get an inspirational message out of a tractor?

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The Company We Keep - A Devotion

by Joyann Dwire

I’ve spoken to several people this week that made me think about the decisions we make in life. We try to discourage our kids when they have friends who will be a bad influence on them. This may have been the time you saw the first sign of rebellion in them. They interpret our concern as an attempt to ruin their lives.

“I’ll just die if I don’t go to that party!”

But what about us adults? Is the company we keep as important to us? Let’s take a closer look.

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Don't Give Up On Us - A Reflection

by Joyann Dwire
David Soul, one of the stars of Starsky & Hutch, passed away on January 4. The popular detective show was a highlight of my teen years. I was Hutch to my best friend’s Starsky, after all. Soul seemed to disappear after the show ended, so it was quite a surprise for me to discover that his death is being mourned in England as much as here.

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Picking Rocks - A Devotion

by Joyann Dwire
When you grow up on a farm you pick up a lot of rocks. This devotional shares the annual experience of my childhood – clearing a plowed field of rocks so the crop can grow. I compare it to Jesus parable of the sower in Matthew 13 and asks the question, Do you need to throw some rocks off the soil of your heart?